Places thought above skills and knowledge, can think in context
Children 2 - 3 years
- A graduate does things as best as they can
- Explores the world with all of their senses
- Learns to put things into context
- Learning for them is connected with curiosity and discovering new things
Children 3 - 6 years
- Thinks and reasons independently
- Learns for life, connects learning with curiosity and discovering new things
- Is responsible for their own actions
- A mistake is their friend, as it teaches them what to do differently next time
- Respects the opinions and space of others
- Asks questions and finds answers
- Is free to decide within agreed rules
- Learns to satisfy their own needs
Sees education as a useful tool for understanding the world
Children 2 - 3 years
- Learns everything that helps them become a full member of the community
- Is curious and does not judge
- Wants to do meaningful and useful things, and improves their skills by practicing
- Learns by imitation
Children 3 - 6 years
- Knows that they are responsible for what they learn
- Knows what makes them happy and satisfied
- Can plan what to learn and uses time effectively
- Draws stimuli and inspiration from the environment
Believes they are the creator of their own life and see the world around them as a living organism that is constantly evolving
Children 2 - 3 years
- Learns to make decisions and be responsible for their decisions
- Knows that they can show their emotions
- Enjoys what they are doing
- Knows that one learns through mistakes
- Feels satisfied with their work
Children 3 - 6 years
- When they do not know something, they look for ways and answers to learn it
- Knows that their behavior and choices affect the entire community
- Knows that what our planet looks like in the future depends on their choices and decisions
- Is empathetic and understands their own emotions
- Knows that one learns through mistakes
- Realizes that they easily overcome obstacles and problems during free action.
- Understands error as a natural manifestation of learning
Is interested in themselves, in others and generally in life at its full depth and breadth
Children 2 - 3 years
- Takes care of their environment
- Is aware of their own needs
- Is able to ask for help and is able to offer help to others
- Enjoys cooperating, feels that they are a part of the group (community) and recognizes their contribution to the group
- Learns to respect themselves, others and their surroundings
Children 3 - 6 years
- Appreciates their own work and the work of others
- Learns to respect themselves, others and their surroundings
- Learns to resolve conflicts and disputes by agreement
- Learns self-reflection
- Feels responsible for themselves, for others and for their surroundings